Sunday, June 7, 2009

Big Willie Style

I am entering the last week of instruction before administering finals at the end of my first year of teaching. I guess we could call it teaching. Perhaps guard, cop, councilor, motivational speaker, nurse, or actor could describe my job more accurately, but I get paid for being a teacher. Nonetheless, as I tried to police my students into creating five paragraph essays about Romeo and Juliet, one of my favorite special needs students was the first to finish. In fact, somehow two of my "lower level" English students pounded out their essays before the rest of the class. Overall, I received four essays out of eleven students that semi-regularly attend my class numbering twenty three. Hopefully I will receive some more essays by the day grades are due.

Of those that I received, Enrique turned in my favorite. His analysis of what lead Romeo and Juliet to death is one of the more touching Shakespeare criticisms I have ever read. Structurally he really nails a five paragraph essay with Jane Schaffer paragraphs. Mechanically he struggles with punctuation, embedding quotations, sentence fragments, and subject-verb agreement. In the timeless, unquantifiable, stylistic edge of voice, Enrique really nails this one with his minimalist style, essentialist rhetoric, and poetic repetition. If I could ethically/legally post video of this student on one of his infamous monologues I would. He makes going to work worthwhile.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet killed them self for love. Because Romeo was fighting for her. Because Juliet take that poison for she can act like she die for she don’t have to marry Paris. And the way they talk to each other. He said she speaks oh speak again bright angle! conclusion Romeo and Juliet love each other.

Romeo was fighting for her. Paris says, oh I’m killed. Romeo did not want Paris to marry Juliet so he killed him. You can tell Romeo loved her because he could of die fighting for her. He love her.

Juliet take that poison for she can act like she die for she don’t have to marry Paris. The stage direction says, ‘’he drinks the poison ‘’(pg243). It said it in the book. Juliet drink the poison to show Romeo she don’t want to marry Paris . she love him.

The way they talk to each other. He said she speaks oh, speak again bright angle. Romeo said, ‘’she’’ speaks oh, speak again bright angle. He is flirting with her. You can tell he love her because he trying to tell her that she is beautiful. They love each other.

Romeo and Juliet love each other. Because Romeo will kill for his love. Because Juliet act like she die for she don’t have to marry Paris because she love Romeo. Because Romeo said when she talks it turn him on. Finale at the end of it all they die

-Enrique R. AKA Big Willie